Bolton Consultancy Ltd
Consultancy includes a range of assignments ranging from research into new product and new market requirements, to quality systems and procedures development. Some typical areas are indicated in the following paragraphs.
Systems and Procedures
From experience in creating and managing systems to auditing and accreditation of suppliers and third party test facilities Bolton Consultancy Ltd can audit and analyse quality procedures and develop company performance criteria, testing policy, test plans and procedures manuals.
Development of robust product recall procedures: It is advisable to have established procedures within an organisation to both monitor safety issues and be able to recall product. A written, stepwise, recall procedure or decision making guide is a "life-raft" should the need arise, and is often taken into consideration in liability court cases.
Development of standards: Successful Retailers and Manaufacturers often use in-house standards and test methods where either public standards are not available or when they wish to set higher levels of quality or performance. Bolton Consultancy Ltd has wide ranging experience in developing standards and test methods together with their application and management.
Bolton Consultancy Ltd undertakes research assignments in areas such as the identification of technical requirements for market entry, and investigation of sourcing, production processes and performance claims for a novel fiber category.
Complaint and Failure Investigation
With extensive experience dealing with customer complaints and investigating technical failure in products Bolton Consultancy Ltd will provide an independent technical evaluation. This is particularly beneficial should the issue escalate to litigation or prosecution. We can investigate most issues relating to; colour dying & finishing, washing & laundering, mechanical and safety aspects.
Guidance and Industry Engagement
Extensive involvement in standards development in the UK (BSI), Europe (CEN) and Globally (ISO) from committee membership, chairing committees and conveening working groups to leading UK Delegations gives Bolton Consultancy Ltd a detailed insight into the procedures and processes involved in developing and agreeing standards. Explaining the need for standards and their subsequent revision is as much a challenge as ensuring understanding of their content and scope. Bolton Consultancy Ltd has experience both in planning industry engagement - from stakeholder analysis to presentation design and delivery - and in the development of guidance and advice in relation to legislation and standards.
Latest News
Flammability of Nightwear
Nightwear regulations in the UK
EN 14878 Textiles - Burning behaviour of children's nightwear - Specification
Children's Clothing Mechanical Safety
BS 7907:2007 Mechanical Safety
The General Product Safety Regulations
Children's Sleepbags